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The RETIRE WITHIN 10 Bundle will help you...
Learn YOUR unique path to replacing your (high) income with 100% passive income - many times within 10 years
Get educated FAST on the exact strategies that will help get you there by exposing the good ole’ boys network (GOB) and finally making their opportunities available to retail investors.
Give you a north star that is realistic, exciting, and perfectly laid out so you won’t burnout before you ever reach 65.
Understand how tens of thousands of people have replaced their income, grown their wealth, reduced (or eliminated) their taxes, and live the fulfilling life you deserve.
The Mission
To help high-achieving sales professionals around the country put themselves on the fast track to replace their income with predictable, passive income all within 10 years or less.
About 10 years ago I was just like you. I was a top earner at the real estate brokerage firm I was working at and I was
Putting in 60+ hour work weeks
Declining plans with friends and family to build my empire
Too tired to follow through with plans with friends and family after work.
Sacrificing my health & fitness goals because I was always ‘on’ and chasing deals
Working at 100mph because I knew in the back of my mind I’d have down months and recessions could easily cut my income in half
I knew I was burning out, and wouldn’t make it close to 65.
I dove into investing research and found the same answers you’ve likely found online:
Retire at 65. Live off of 4% of your portfolio. Cut back your living expenses.
It wasn’t the road to the fulfilling life I had wanted.
The secret that the ultra wealthy were using to stop trading time for money. To reduce, or even eliminate the taxes they pay, and to build the lifestyle they wanted
Now, I commit my time to sharing this secret with people like you–high achieving sales professionals who want to avoid burning out, stop sacrificing their time for money, balance out their monthly income, protect their income from recessions, and turn your commission checks into predictable, passive income.